- AnOtHeR FiGhT! UgH! - Thursday, August 14, 2008

So basically me and him are in another fight...again! He got mad at me like 2 days ago because he tried calling me and i didnt answer...he was calling for 10 minutes b4 he just popped up at my house! and i was outside talking to my cousin, helping her get the baby and his stuff into her car, well he pulls up and he was all pissed off saying WHY ARENT U ANSWERING YOUR PHONE and i told him, well i stepped out here to help her get her stuff into the car and he just sped off so i was like whatever, then he came back like oh so u wanna just act like u dnt care, and blah blah blah, and so he stopped talking to me, so i was txtn him and he was callin me talkin shit to me and hanging up then i would txt him again cuz he wouldnt answer my calls, and i feel like he must be cheating or something, because there is no reason for him to start an arguement with me unless hes trying to start one so he can be mad at me and run the streets with whoever! so i was pissed and he kept saying like he should be able to name the baby and im like are u fucking kidding me...he wants the baby to be Nathan Anthony James, and he picked tht WHOLE name, and he expects me not to pick ANY of the baby's name! he is fuckin crazy and if he keeps getting on my nerves he's not gonna have ANY say in the baby's name, i will name tht baby what i want to which would probably be Cayden Anthony-Allen James! but he says tht Cayden is a girlie name, but whatever, i have offered him plenty of times to sit down with me and help me find a name tht we both like! but he doesnt want to do tht so FUCK HIM! so we are pretty much done, i told him to stop being childish and petty and he said alrite then fuck u, and he broke up with me, and it pisses me off because he calls me and talks shit and then hangs up so i never get a chance to say what i want to say, so i know which way he drives when he gets off wrk and i went tht way and he had the nerve to say, stop stalking me! so i realized tht FUCK HIM, i need to just learn to leave his ass alone and be open and excepting to outside invitations, because i need to make tht 1st step to moving on so tht i can stop running back to his bitchass! but i have a feeling tht this break-up isnt gonna last long, and i dnt plan on it lasting long because i need him 2 pay for half of the babys crib set, half of my 4d ultrasound, to buy his car seat & stroller, and to help me paint the baby's room! so we'll see, i'll probably be callin him on sunday 2 see if he can help me paint the room and stucco the wall, and maybe we'll make up then...if not my 4d is on the 24th and my baby shower is on the 6th, so we'll see!

This Is Me

My name is Erika, i am in a rocky relationship, and thts why
i have this blog! it helps me get thru the drama...
tht i dnt deserve! I am 19, i live in So*Cal
...I am a manager @ a video store (popular chain),
i am 5 months pregnant by the asshole, and i wish i wasnt
sometimes, and often times feel like the day tht
i met him was the worst day of my life!
lol, but i love him soooo much!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

My Baby

He's a Boy and his name is probably gonna be Nathan!


I met the devil tht i speak of about a year and a half ago and its been
so many ups and downs...more ups then downs, but the downs
are really bad! I love him tho...
i got pregnant on valentines day...and
my baby is due November 20th! on my bday! =]


So SiiCK
Hurt Feelings
AnOtHeR FiGhT! UgH!
...Doing Fine...
It's like SOOOO official!
What I Really Want!
No Luck!
Same Ol' Same Ol'
Its been a while...


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